सोमवार, 30 दिसंबर 2013
Understanding & Meditation
the lack of understanding of oneself, not the big self or the little self. The door is the 'me' through which I have to go. It is not outside of 'me'. It is not a factual door as that painted door. It is a door in me through which I have to go. Let's meditate ...
Night meditators
आज रात २ बजे कुछ मित्र ध्यान करने आये, और करने लगे चर्चा, एक ने पूंछा कि मन से मुक्ति भला कैसे सम्भव है....ध्यान में तो हम सबसे पहले उसी से लड़ते है.
"सर्वप्रथम मुक्ति का अर्थ तो समझ लो अन्यथा मुक्ति की अपनी अवधारणा से ही मुक्त नहीं हो पाओगे ....
मुक्ति का अर्थ स्वयं के द्वारा बनाई हुई एवं दूसरों द्वारा आरोपित अवधारणाओं तथा भ्रांतियों से छुटकारा पा लेना ....."
अब ध्यान करो ......मन से लड़ने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ेगी.
Today's Meditation
आज का ध्यान :
मन (द्वन्द) , 'अमन' (निर्द्वन्द) तभी तक रह सकता है जब तक "मै" ध्यानावस्था में रहता है. जब "मै" व्यवहारावस्था में आता है तब उसे मन अर्थात द्वन्द का सामना करना ही पड़ता है.
सोमवार, 9 दिसंबर 2013
Emotions and meditation
These emotions are produced by you ultimately....actually you are the producer of these emotions, so you can erase this also very easily. First you don't need to fear from these emotions because you are more bigger than these emotions.
रविवार, 24 नवंबर 2013
"आकाश"(विचार विहीनता) मन का उत्तम भोजन है .......इससे मन शांत होता है, इसको तो नींद से भी प्राप्त किया जा सकता है. .....किन्तु ज्ञान मन का सर्वोत्तम भोजन है जिससे मन का भ्रम सदा के लिए शांत हो जाता है. इसको नींद से नहीं बल्कि ध्यान से ही प्राप्त किया जा सकता है.
मंगलवार, 8 अक्टूबर 2013
ध्यान में खोज की गतिविधि ज्ञात से अज्ञात की ओर होती है है किन्तु धर्म में अज्ञात से ज्ञात की ओर होती है.....
सोमवार, 2 सितंबर 2013
Preachers and politicians belong to same family......but spiritualist doesn't belong from any spiritualist
Yoga guru yogi anoop
शनिवार, 31 अगस्त 2013
जिस मरने से जग डरे, मेरे मन में आनंद |
कब मरू कब पाऊ, पूरण परमानन्द ||
The whole world fears death, but death will be full of bliss for me
I am waiting for death which will merge me, into absolute bliss
Meditation problems in meditation
if i close my eyes for meditation i get all images of my problems and comming repeatedly to control it sir?
Its natural in meditation you need to know, that in meditation there is no need to control over images and thoughts. ...just close your eyes and let observe ur thoughts only....don't fight with them
Meditation guru Yogi Anoop
Yoga meditation Center Delhi
शुक्रवार, 30 अगस्त 2013
Meditation & Heart
There is no need to know where and what the Heart is....heart is not physical, in the meditation heart means self or I. Meditation should be on the Self......only self
Yoga guru yogi anoop
From yoga meditation Center Delhi
मंगलवार, 27 अगस्त 2013
Religion and science
विज्ञान को वैज्ञानिक होने की आवश्यकता है धर्म को नहीं. धर्म को विज्ञान के ऊपर खरे उतरने की आवश्यकता नहीं होनी चाहिए. धर्म तो विस्वाश और आस्था की सीख देता है. किन्तु ध्यान रहे कि अति न हो.
बुधवार, 21 अगस्त 2013
Self relization
We don't need to search ourself because I is not disappeared, thats why we quote "self relization" not "self Search".
During meditation we need to aware of self only. Don't need to be objective, means don't depend upon any self produced imagination, only subjective ....
Yogi anoop
Yoga Meditation master
रविवार, 18 अगस्त 2013
Memory & Knowledge
"Memory is a knowledge" but actually it is not a real knowledge, you should be free from all these so called knowledge.......
Yogi anoop
Delhi yoga meditation master
शनिवार, 17 अगस्त 2013
Faith on God
You have a faith on existence of God but no need to faith on your existence. Because you know that you are, even negating existence of self means you already exist int !
We are never alone because we are full of all the memories. just live with self as we actually are so meditate nicely
We are so close, clinched or attached with our memories pictures and thoughts. We will have some comfortable distance from these things. Possible through knowledge only.
Meditation ....
We afraid from present moments. That's why we try to get satisfaction from imaginary world. And in meditation we try to make a lot of unnecessary imaginations.
Yogi Anoop
Yoga Guru from Delhi
More Thoughts More Damage
"More thoughts More Damage"
There are 70,000 thoughts run into average Brain...and a spiritual Brain have near about 20 to 30 thousand....
But can you please give me the information about
indian political brain !!!!!!
Yoga Guru Yogi Anoop
New Delhi ..Vasant Vihar
बुधवार, 14 अगस्त 2013
Start meditation
ध्यान का प्रारंभ विश्वाश से मत करो क्योंकि जंहा विश्वाश है वंहा अविश्वाश के पैदा होने की पूरी संभावना होती है. , इसलिए ध्यान का प्रारंभ विश्वाश और अविश्वास, दोनों के परे से ही करना चाहिए.
अर्थात ध्यान का प्रारंभ सिर्फ और सिर्फ स्वयं से ही करना चाहिए.
क्योंकि स्वयं का अस्तित्व शंकारहित है , यदि इस पर शंका करते भी हो तो भी आपका अस्तित्व स्वयं सिद्ध है.....
Yogi anoop
Yoga guru from Delhi
मंगलवार, 13 अगस्त 2013
"प्रेम में वस्तुयें भी जीवित हो उठती है. पत्थर भी तुमसे बातें करने लग जातें हैं. !!!!!!!!??????"
अध्यात्म में ऐसी अनुभवहीन बातें करना निरा भोलापन के अतिरिक्त और कुछ भी नहीं. ..भगवान कृष्ण दुर्योधन को श्री राम रावन जैसे जीवित व्यक्ति को तो बदल नहीं पाये, और हम इतने मुर्ख है की प्रेम से निर्जीव वास्तु को जीवित करने में जीवन गवां रहे है. मान लो पत्थर जीवित हो कर आपसे बोलने लग जायेगा तो उससे भला क्या होगा? इससे अच्छा है कि आप अपने को जीवित करके अपनों से अच्छी तरह से बाते करो.........
Yoga guru anoop
New Delhi
सोमवार, 5 अगस्त 2013
बुधवार, 31 जुलाई 2013
Spiritual Diet
Diet sequence of a spiritual masters
1-Thoughtlessness form
2- thought form
3- Air form
4- liquid form
5- solid form
Diet sequence of normal people
1-Solid form
2-liquid form
3-air form
4- thought
Yoga Guru Yogi Anoop
Yoga Meditation Center at Vasant Vihar New Delhi
शुक्रवार, 26 जुलाई 2013
The best way of Meditative Pranayam
The best way of Meditative Pranayam.
During Inhale slow,long, deep, chest out, noiseless and with effort....
During exhale please don't make any effort, it should be totally effortless.
If you can do this pranayam for 10 to 15 minute at a stretch, you will get a wonderful result.
Yoga Meditation Guru Yogi Anoop
New Delhi
सोमवार, 22 जुलाई 2013
Stress Management Training at Rapid Action Force New Delhi
Yoga guru yogi anoop is highly popular yoga meditation master in Delhi who has invited by Rapid Action Force.
Drinking Water and Health
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body: 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
Please pass this to the people you care about......
Yogi Anoop
Famous yoga meditation guru in Delhi
शुक्रवार, 19 जुलाई 2013
Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Training at Dell Company Gurgaon Haryana
Famous yoga meditation guru yogi anoop was invited by world wide computer company DELL at corporate office Gurgaon for training of Spirituality, Meditation and stress management.
Young meditation master yogi anoop delivered a lot of tips for mind management and yogic tips for their daily stressed life. They were impressed.
शुक्रवार, 12 जुलाई 2013
Gayatri Mantra
"Mantra is a vehicle of mind" takes you into quieter, more peaceful and thoughtless level of the mind. Like a Gayatri Mantra, this is very powerful tool which we apply in our meditation.
बुधवार, 10 जुलाई 2013
Deep Sleep State
Evening at 9 - 11 PM : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes) This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an un-relaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.
Evening at 11pm - 1 am: is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Yoga Meditation Center Vasant Vihar New Delhi.
Yoga guru yogi anoop
सोमवार, 8 जुलाई 2013
Sleeping time
Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.
Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
By Guru yogi anoop
Yoga meditation Center vasant vihar, South Delhi
रविवार, 7 जुलाई 2013
Negative Attitude
Negative attitude is one of the biggest cause of Brain Shrinkage. It leads a lot of physical and mental diseases.
Yoga Center Delhi ......from yoga guru yogi anoop
शनिवार, 6 जुलाई 2013
गुरुवार, 4 जुलाई 2013
Taste of Tongue
साधक को दो इन्द्रियों पर अधिक अभ्यास करना चाहिए वो है जिह्वा अर्थात स्वाद और आँख अर्थात देखना.
यदि भोजन करते समय स्वाद न लिया जाय तो पाचन और निष्कासन कभी भी ठीक नहीं हो सकता है.
सोमवार, 1 जुलाई 2013
What spirituality means!
What spirituality really means......!
Aware of your death ....
Aware of your breath....
As I experienced it is a experience of self (soul or pure consciousness)
Spiritual practice
कितनी भी साधना कर ली जाय परिवर्तनशील मन, अपरिवर्तनशील कभी भी नहीं हो सकता . इसी की अनुभूति ही तो साधना है
मंगलवार, 18 जून 2013
On mind
सुरक्षा खोजने वाला मन यथार्थ को, सत्य को नहीं पा सकता है। जो समय से परे है, उसे समझने के लिए, विचार के जाल का ध्वस्त होना अनिवार्य है। शब्दों, प्रतीकों, प्रतिमाओं के बिना विचार बना नहीं रह सकता केवल तब, जब मन खामोश होता है, अपनी उधेड़बुन से मुक्त होता है, तभी यथार्थ को खोज पाने की संभावना होती है।
मंगलवार, 21 मई 2013
Spiritualist says
Spiritualist says
1-If a person speaks too much, He is lonely deep side.
2-If some one eats in an abnormal manner, he is stressed too much.
3- If a person has a answer for every question, he is unexperienced.
4- If some one cries on little things, he can't manage stress, and less concentration.
5-If a person laughs too much, he is lonely inside.
Yogi anoop
New Delhi
गुरुवार, 9 मई 2013
fitness of Mind & Brain
1- thoughtlessness (meditation)
2- thought management.
3- physical exercises. (Or asana)
4- proper sleep
5- proper diet
रविवार, 28 अप्रैल 2013
Most brain damaging habits
1-Excess talk ....(without break)
2-Negative thinking (specially hate thoughts)
3-Sleep diprivation
4-No breakfast
5-Over eating
गुरुवार, 18 अप्रैल 2013
Pranayam is a Panacea for all diseases
Dear Anoop,
My Name is Vinod (name changed) Working in a travel company in Gurgaon.
i am on MDR TB treatment since december .... i was taking enjectable drugs and 5 diffrent tablets to kill MDR tb bacteria. in december my sputum report was +++ but now its negative and that time my TLC in blood was 16000 but now its 10500 and ESR was 70 but now its 25 and i am not taking einjections only tablets but it is about 5000 MG in a day and it is so dificult to take those medicins......... as per doctor i have to take same medicins for next 12 month more but today i feel like i am fit. No fiver no cough no cold no fatigue nothing only mentally not fit because of the medicines so please advise
now i have stopped everything
i am not taking any medicine, because of those medicines i was in dipration
i was seeing some unknown faces when i was alone
so i am not taking those medicines from 10-12 days and i am happy
but i know i might face this problem in future because i have stopped this course..................can you please advice me some yoga tips.
I dont want to quite i want to live for my parents for my fiance for my Family.
For my treatment i am in touch with Dr Tara Rawat in Mex Hospital Gurgaon. But for happy life i want Yog
Can you please help me
Dear Vinod
Do some pranayam bhastrika and nadhishodhan pranayam....
You can do bhastrika for 2 to 3 minute in slow speed. After some time it can be increased.
Nadhishodhan can be done for 10 to 15 minutes.
Theses both pranayam must do in the early morning and before sleep. Do these both breathing exercise before sleep.
Let give me feedback in a week.....after that we will change pranayam.
Yogi anoop
My Name is Vinod (name changed) Working in a travel company in Gurgaon.
i am on MDR TB treatment since december .... i was taking enjectable drugs and 5 diffrent tablets to kill MDR tb bacteria. in december my sputum report was +++ but now its negative and that time my TLC in blood was 16000 but now its 10500 and ESR was 70 but now its 25 and i am not taking einjections only tablets but it is about 5000 MG in a day and it is so dificult to take those medicins......... as per doctor i have to take same medicins for next 12 month more but today i feel like i am fit. No fiver no cough no cold no fatigue nothing only mentally not fit because of the medicines so please advise
now i have stopped everything
i am not taking any medicine, because of those medicines i was in dipration
i was seeing some unknown faces when i was alone
so i am not taking those medicines from 10-12 days and i am happy
but i know i might face this problem in future because i have stopped this course..................can you please advice me some yoga tips.
I dont want to quite i want to live for my parents for my fiance for my Family.
For my treatment i am in touch with Dr Tara Rawat in Mex Hospital Gurgaon. But for happy life i want Yog
Can you please help me
Dear Vinod
Do some pranayam bhastrika and nadhishodhan pranayam....
You can do bhastrika for 2 to 3 minute in slow speed. After some time it can be increased.
Nadhishodhan can be done for 10 to 15 minutes.
Theses both pranayam must do in the early morning and before sleep. Do these both breathing exercise before sleep.
Let give me feedback in a week.....after that we will change pranayam.
Yogi anoop
रविवार, 14 अप्रैल 2013
Yoga query
Dear Reader,
If you have any query related with physical, mental and spiritual fitness, especially on navel displacement issue, you can e-mail us on I would be grateful to reply you as soon as possible.
Yogi anoop
If you have any query related with physical, mental and spiritual fitness, especially on navel displacement issue, you can e-mail us on I would be grateful to reply you as soon as possible.
Yogi anoop
Navel Displacement query
Pranaam Guruji
I started taking yogurt not chhachh for 5-6 days in the lunch. I jog for around 15 min in morning after that do little stretching and then excercises told by you for half an hour.
From: Yogianoop
To,ROMA (name changed)
Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Dear Roma
How many times you practice yoga ....and taking chhachh ...please tell.
One more thing is important, how much time you spent in yoga.
On 11-Apr-2013, at 22:55, ROMA (name changed)
Pranaam Guruji
I'm doing all excercises but still have no concrete relief. I still sometime feel something struct in right side of stomach, same headache, poor memory. Little relief in nose. How many days I have to do excercises to get a sight of concrete relief? Could it be the weight I have to carry to and from office around 4-5 Kg that might not be letting stomach problems fixed. I live at 2nd floor and office is too at 2nd floor. I walk briskly and that about more than half a Km with the weight, but on stairs I do not pace.
Please also tell me if breating excercises provide same benefits if done before or after physical excercises.
From: Chaitanya Foundation
To: ROMA (name changed)
Sent: Saturday, 6 April 2013 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Dear Roma,
You can take yogurt in the noon but not in the evening or night, you can even take chhachh in the day time.
backward bending is not allowed but forward and side bending is allowed , you can do this. Do some breathing before sleep please.
Yogi Anoop
Chaitanya foundation
New Delhi-64
From:ROMA (name changed)
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2013 7:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Navel Displacement
Pranaam Guruji,
I'm waiting for your reply on my earlier mail. current health status is also same as earlier except some more improvements in left nose.
Please also tell few more things
Can I eat yogurt as this is also sour nature. Can I also practice some stretch exercise like forward, backward/side bending etc.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: ROMA (name changed)
To: Yogianoop
Sent: Wednesday, 3 April 2013 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Pranaam Guruji,
Sorry for late reply, actually went to home.
Health status:
I'm doing all excercises, there is quite relief in my left nose, however both nose are not still fully open.
Very little relief in headache, still aches much when try to think something.
very little relief in stomach problem.
1. It will be quite easy for me if I do breathing excercises just after jogging and then later do assans like shalabassna etc. Should we do breathing excercises in the end only or can do in between excercises?
Thank you
From: Yogianoop
To:ROMA (name changed)
Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Dear Roma
Please don't worry about the massage. Please continue you all breathing exercises regularly. You can take any antacid in the morning before breakfast if required.
Give feedback after 2,3 days.
Yogi anoop
On 28-Mar-2013, at 22:27, ROMA (name changed)
Pranaam Guruji,
Hope you enjoyed festival of colors Holi !
I'm doing all yoga practice suggested by you in the morning(there was single day gap). However time duration is around 3 min for each activity.
Health's status:
I'm still having headache and stomach problems. However stomach problem is little less then what it earlier used to. On saturday the day I visited you my headache was quite low, but from last 2-3 days its been much. Also I feel severe headache when I try to meditate or think something like remembering or solving puzzle. My left nose is not fairly open too.
I was having quite relief if not much on the day I visited you, I dont know why problems rose again. |I'm not running or lifting heavy weight.
One more thing I want ask you is some 6 months ago a lady massaged my stomach for checking navel dislocation. Pain in my right side stomach started only after this incident. But she says she use to practice massage on other people for navel problem and nobody complained of any thing. Guruji could it be that some injury occurred inside stomach due to that massage. My stomach's ultrasound has been also done, and that came positive.
Please guruji suggest me to come out of these problems
Thanks and regards,
I started taking yogurt not chhachh for 5-6 days in the lunch. I jog for around 15 min in morning after that do little stretching and then excercises told by you for half an hour.
From: Yogianoop
To,ROMA (name changed)
Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Dear Roma
How many times you practice yoga ....and taking chhachh ...please tell.
One more thing is important, how much time you spent in yoga.
On 11-Apr-2013, at 22:55, ROMA (name changed)
Pranaam Guruji
I'm doing all excercises but still have no concrete relief. I still sometime feel something struct in right side of stomach, same headache, poor memory. Little relief in nose. How many days I have to do excercises to get a sight of concrete relief? Could it be the weight I have to carry to and from office around 4-5 Kg that might not be letting stomach problems fixed. I live at 2nd floor and office is too at 2nd floor. I walk briskly and that about more than half a Km with the weight, but on stairs I do not pace.
Please also tell me if breating excercises provide same benefits if done before or after physical excercises.
From: Chaitanya Foundation
To: ROMA (name changed)
Sent: Saturday, 6 April 2013 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Dear Roma,
You can take yogurt in the noon but not in the evening or night, you can even take chhachh in the day time.
backward bending is not allowed but forward and side bending is allowed , you can do this. Do some breathing before sleep please.
Yogi Anoop
Chaitanya foundation
New Delhi-64
From:ROMA (name changed)
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2013 7:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Navel Displacement
Pranaam Guruji,
I'm waiting for your reply on my earlier mail. current health status is also same as earlier except some more improvements in left nose.
Please also tell few more things
Can I eat yogurt as this is also sour nature. Can I also practice some stretch exercise like forward, backward/side bending etc.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: ROMA (name changed)
To: Yogianoop
Sent: Wednesday, 3 April 2013 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Pranaam Guruji,
Sorry for late reply, actually went to home.
Health status:
I'm doing all excercises, there is quite relief in my left nose, however both nose are not still fully open.
Very little relief in headache, still aches much when try to think something.
very little relief in stomach problem.
1. It will be quite easy for me if I do breathing excercises just after jogging and then later do assans like shalabassna etc. Should we do breathing excercises in the end only or can do in between excercises?
Thank you
From: Yogianoop
To:ROMA (name changed)
Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Navel Displacement
Dear Roma
Please don't worry about the massage. Please continue you all breathing exercises regularly. You can take any antacid in the morning before breakfast if required.
Give feedback after 2,3 days.
Yogi anoop
On 28-Mar-2013, at 22:27, ROMA (name changed)
Pranaam Guruji,
Hope you enjoyed festival of colors Holi !
I'm doing all yoga practice suggested by you in the morning(there was single day gap). However time duration is around 3 min for each activity.
Health's status:
I'm still having headache and stomach problems. However stomach problem is little less then what it earlier used to. On saturday the day I visited you my headache was quite low, but from last 2-3 days its been much. Also I feel severe headache when I try to meditate or think something like remembering or solving puzzle. My left nose is not fairly open too.
I was having quite relief if not much on the day I visited you, I dont know why problems rose again. |I'm not running or lifting heavy weight.
One more thing I want ask you is some 6 months ago a lady massaged my stomach for checking navel dislocation. Pain in my right side stomach started only after this incident. But she says she use to practice massage on other people for navel problem and nobody complained of any thing. Guruji could it be that some injury occurred inside stomach due to that massage. My stomach's ultrasound has been also done, and that came positive.
Please guruji suggest me to come out of these problems
Thanks and regards,
सोमवार, 1 अप्रैल 2013
शनिवार, 16 मार्च 2013
Belly shifted (navel shifted)
Hello Guruji,
I went to Gym for an year some 2 years ago. I am having stopmach problems for an year. I went to some yogic teacher he showed that belly button is in incorrect position relative to my nipples. So he corrected the position. If we measure belly button from nipples it was in right position. Now I notice that my upper chest is slightly shifted in left(might be this occured due to gym). So it was in incorrect position relative to my mouth or foots but correct relative to my nipples. Yesterday I was playing some game and after that realised belly button again shifted and came at right position relative to legs, but became incorrect position relative to nipples.
Please Guruji tell me what should I do now. What will be correct position of belly button in such conditions. Will I be ever have no stomach problem in such situation. Due to stomach problems I having frustrated and disappointed life. Please guruji help me out.
Thanks a lot
As I think you belly is shifted upward, so you need to push it down through yogic techniques.
First, lie down on the back, stretch both legs downward so many times. And then do shalabh asana .
I went to Gym for an year some 2 years ago. I am having stopmach problems for an year. I went to some yogic teacher he showed that belly button is in incorrect position relative to my nipples. So he corrected the position. If we measure belly button from nipples it was in right position. Now I notice that my upper chest is slightly shifted in left(might be this occured due to gym). So it was in incorrect position relative to my mouth or foots but correct relative to my nipples. Yesterday I was playing some game and after that realised belly button again shifted and came at right position relative to legs, but became incorrect position relative to nipples.
Please Guruji tell me what should I do now. What will be correct position of belly button in such conditions. Will I be ever have no stomach problem in such situation. Due to stomach problems I having frustrated and disappointed life. Please guruji help me out.
Thanks a lot
As I think you belly is shifted upward, so you need to push it down through yogic techniques.
First, lie down on the back, stretch both legs downward so many times. And then do shalabh asana .
मंगलवार, 5 मार्च 2013
Meals should be small and taken warm or clocked. Avoid to intake too many different food at a meals.
रविवार, 3 मार्च 2013
Pranayam for fibromyalgia
Some breathing exercise should be done in the same sequence.
Kapalbhanti pranayam......5 minutes
Agnisar kriya .....................5 minutes
Udyana and mool bandh.....3 minutes
Anulom violom pranayam ....11 minutes.
Step breathing.......................11 minutes
Ujjai ........................................9 minutes
Bhramri pranayam .................11 times
OM pranayam .........................3 times.
Some breathing exercise should be done in the same sequence.
Kapalbhanti pranayam......5 minutes
Agnisar kriya .....................5 minutes
Udyana and mool bandh.....3 minutes
Anulom violom pranayam ....11 minutes.
Step breathing.......................11 minutes
Ujjai ........................................9 minutes
Bhramri pranayam .................11 times
OM pranayam .........................3 times.
शनिवार, 2 मार्च 2013
Yoga pranayam for trigeminal myalgia
The list of asana and breathing for trigeminal myalgia
1. Setu Bandha asana
2. Chakrasana
3. Ardha Cakrasana,
4. Supta vajrasana
5. Neck movements – right and left bending
6. Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana
7. shoulder stand
8. head stand
9. Ujjai
10. Alternate nostril breathing
1. Setu Bandha asana
2. Chakrasana
3. Ardha Cakrasana,
4. Supta vajrasana
5. Neck movements – right and left bending
6. Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana
7. shoulder stand
8. head stand
9. Ujjai
10. Alternate nostril breathing
बुधवार, 27 फ़रवरी 2013
शुक्रवार, 15 फ़रवरी 2013
What is medicine for navel displacement and why navel dislocation happened?
First of all we have to know why navel dislocation happens?
There are lot of psychological and physical reasons, so you need to diagnose what the exact reason is there?
Anxiety, excess thoughts, stress, depression and gastritis. Gastritis is a major cause of navel dislocation.
Outer reasons are climbing steps in a hurry, long jumps, high jumps, lifting heavy weight alone, standing continuously without rest, etc, are the root causes of navel/solar plexus/Nabhi chakra displacement.
There is no proper medicine in allopath, actually medical science doesn't have any belief on this, so don't expect any help.
In naturopathy there are lot of natural way which can give cure. Ayurveda also provides some herb. But ultimate cure is yoga and meditation, so fallow this.
Before doing yoga and meditation the patient of dislocated navel should be diagnosed properly.
Either nave is upward or downward, right or left. After being checked yoga master gives you exercise (according to that). This is a complete cure for dislocated navel.
Yogi anoop
There are lot of psychological and physical reasons, so you need to diagnose what the exact reason is there?
Anxiety, excess thoughts, stress, depression and gastritis. Gastritis is a major cause of navel dislocation.
Outer reasons are climbing steps in a hurry, long jumps, high jumps, lifting heavy weight alone, standing continuously without rest, etc, are the root causes of navel/solar plexus/Nabhi chakra displacement.
There is no proper medicine in allopath, actually medical science doesn't have any belief on this, so don't expect any help.
In naturopathy there are lot of natural way which can give cure. Ayurveda also provides some herb. But ultimate cure is yoga and meditation, so fallow this.
Before doing yoga and meditation the patient of dislocated navel should be diagnosed properly.
Either nave is upward or downward, right or left. After being checked yoga master gives you exercise (according to that). This is a complete cure for dislocated navel.
Yogi anoop
रविवार, 3 फ़रवरी 2013
The great sage Kapil had observed
"meditation is a total void of thoughts in the mind"
In yoga great Patanjali says"chitta vritti Ka nirodh hi yoga hai"
Means train the inside of the memory, don't allow anything inside of your chitta . I mean any thoughts.
"meditation is a total void of thoughts in the mind"
In yoga great Patanjali says"chitta vritti Ka nirodh hi yoga hai"
Means train the inside of the memory, don't allow anything inside of your chitta . I mean any thoughts.
Meditational experience
Try to get satisfaction with all wondering object into the brain. Stay with them for a moment, play with them, No need to throw it out, when any thought comes, you just start to elaborate it, let make the full script through with the support of that single thought. After a moment you will become relaxed. But it's not a meditation, it's training of brain. And after this you can reach at thoughtlessness state.
Thanks with regard,
Yogi anoop
New Delhi
Thanks with regard,
Yogi anoop
New Delhi
गुरुवार, 31 जनवरी 2013
मंगलवार, 29 जनवरी 2013
Pranayama and dislocated navel (upward) (nabhi Ka hat jana)
A lot of patients come to me with dislocated navel which is sifted upward. In this type of problem, I have observed, UDAN Vayu has a major role for mental and emotional fluctuation. UDAN Vayu literally means in hindi, upward wind which produces in stomach only, not in intestines. It increases also our hypertension, anxiety, headache.
In Ayurveda some herb prescribes for reducing our upward wind but in pranayama and meditation , we suggest some pranayama and meditation for strengthening our emotional and logical part of brain. So it is completely individual and before doing these activity you need check your whole physical mental and spiritual constitution.
Good morning
Thank with regards
Yogi anoop
In Ayurveda some herb prescribes for reducing our upward wind but in pranayama and meditation , we suggest some pranayama and meditation for strengthening our emotional and logical part of brain. So it is completely individual and before doing these activity you need check your whole physical mental and spiritual constitution.
Good morning
Thank with regards
Yogi anoop
सोमवार, 28 जनवरी 2013
Wind and navel displacement
As I said abdominal wind is one of the major cause of displaced navel. So you need to control over abdominal wind , if you able to control it then navel can be managed.
1- avoid bad food and control over quantity and quality of food.
2- do walk for half an hour.
3- do paean mukt asana so many times before meals.
4- do anulom - violam pranayama for 10 to 15 minutes at a stretch.
5- do abdominal breathing for 10 to 15 times after meal.
Thanks & with regards
Yogi anoop
1- avoid bad food and control over quantity and quality of food.
2- do walk for half an hour.
3- do paean mukt asana so many times before meals.
4- do anulom - violam pranayama for 10 to 15 minutes at a stretch.
5- do abdominal breathing for 10 to 15 times after meal.
Thanks & with regards
Yogi anoop
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संदेश (Atom)
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