hello Anoop sir!
my name is Yvi from Sydney.i am 31 years old married man.my current weight is 77 kg and height is 6 feet.i work as a nurse in nursing home.first time i had wind pain in my stomach on 13/02/2013.it was started 1 hour after my bit spicy dinner.that wind pain was wandering through my chest,back and upper & lower abdominal.so i had been emergency hospital.they gave me antacid medicine then i got relief after 4 hours.this was my first experience in my life.that time my weight was 83 kg.i was gym going person.so 1 month later i started again pain like this after gym in upperabdominal.so i think may be its because of protein shake am taking after work out.but this problem happened 3 times a weak.i started burning in my chest like upper abdominal after my food and sometimes without food.i stop taking alcohol,tea,coffee,big meals,spicy food.but i remembered i was suffering with constipation problem from more than year because i was taking protein shakes that's why.but i took kayam chooran so i was totally depend on chooran this time.but constipation was my big problem before.i had to go toilet 3‐4 times a day after chooran.this problem happened before burning problem.i lost 4‐5 kg weight aswell.i was crying with pain in my stomach.pain took 3‐4 hours to go.so after burning started,GP said u are suffering from gastritis
problem.he gave me Nexium tablets for that problem.i took for 1 month but problem was worse than before.he took my all blood reports which are normal.he did my upper abdominal ultrasound which was normal.at the mean time. i took advice from dietitian that she suggest me how to eat healthy food on time.so after my GP transfer my case to specialist.he took my gastroscopy and colonoscopy on 05/09/2013.this report is normal too. so,at the moment i am not feeling well.feeling bit different than before.i feel constipation,not
hungry,stressful,no good sleep night time,pain & burning in upper abdominal or under chest,lost weight 6
kg.after awake up in the morning i feel like,i am not fresh.mind not feel fresh.my stomach has strain,pain and heavy.something wrong inside.bowel is not opening properly.i feel headache asswell.my face charm is going now. thank you so much for listening to me sir.please help me to solve this problem.
waiting for your early reply,my name is Yvi from Sydney.i am 31 years old married man.my current weight is 77 kg and height is 6 feet.i work as a nurse in nursing home.first time i had wind pain in my stomach on 13/02/2013.it was started 1 hour after my bit spicy dinner.that wind pain was wandering through my chest,back and upper & lower abdominal.so i had been emergency hospital.they gave me antacid medicine then i got relief after 4 hours.this was my first experience in my life.that time my weight was 83 kg.i was gym going person.so 1 month later i started again pain like this after gym in upperabdominal.so i think may be its because of protein shake am taking after work out.but this problem happened 3 times a weak.i started burning in my chest like upper abdominal after my food and sometimes without food.i stop taking alcohol,tea,coffee,big meals,spicy food.but i remembered i was suffering with constipation problem from more than year because i was taking protein shakes that's why.but i took kayam chooran so i was totally depend on chooran this time.but constipation was my big problem before.i had to go toilet 3‐4 times a day after chooran.this problem happened before burning problem.i lost 4‐5 kg weight aswell.i was crying with pain in my stomach.pain took 3‐4 hours to go.so after burning started,GP said u are suffering from gastritis
problem.he gave me Nexium tablets for that problem.i took for 1 month but problem was worse than before.he took my all blood reports which are normal.he did my upper abdominal ultrasound which was normal.at the mean time. i took advice from dietitian that she suggest me how to eat healthy food on time.so after my GP transfer my case to specialist.he took my gastroscopy and colonoscopy on 05/09/2013.this report is normal too. so,at the moment i am not feeling well.feeling bit different than before.i feel constipation,not
hungry,stressful,no good sleep night time,pain & burning in upper abdominal or under chest,lost weight 6
kg.after awake up in the morning i feel like,i am not fresh.mind not feel fresh.my stomach has strain,pain and heavy.something wrong inside.bowel is not opening properly.i feel headache asswell.my face charm is going now. thank you so much for listening to me sir.please help me to solve this problem.
early reply would be appreciated.
many thanks
kind regards,