Chair Pose (kursi asana)
The way you sit on the chair same way without chair if you sit this is known as chair posture. But try to maintain that much distance between both knees which may not put pressure on knees but it should be on thighs. Those who are having loose abdomen and thigh muscles can tighten it with this asana. As during practice, loose muscles stick to the bones and legs become stronger. I have experienced that if we strengthen the muscles of thigh, calf etc then stomach cannot bloat out from level if chest.
Join both legs and stand erect. Keep distance between both legs and place both toes facing each other. Now sit as you sit on chair but without putting pressure on knees only upper thighs, hip joint, hamstring nerves should feel the pressure. In this condition keeping back strait, you have to join hands as if you are greeting. Now go up and down 20 times and maintain this 4 set. If breathing gets faster let it be and don't do deep breathing.
Check point
Those having heart surgery they should avoid it if they do then must not hold it.
There should be no pain in knee while doing asana. If pain is there that means we are not doing it correctly.
If anybody is having arthritis, they should avoid this asana.
Spine should be erect.
It's good for abdomen and muscles of thighs and even for nerves.
Strengthen ankle.
While doing this exercise our heart rate increases but after relaxation it comes to normal.
Breathing becomes deeper and regular.
Trikon asana (trangle pose)
After chair posture, we should do triyak tadasana that is good for stomach. In the beginning, asana should be such which helps in cleansing the intestines.
Interlock fingers of both hands and stretch up do triyak tadasana without raising heels from ground. First breathe in then breathe out bend towards right side. Hold it for 2 to 4 seconds then come back. Same way it should be done on other side.
Repetitions: repeat 10 to 15 times.
Check point
Spine should be bending keeping it erect. While bending, hands should not be bended. Sides should be completely stretched. Spine should be bent in c shape.
It stretches waist and side part of waist which helps in cleaning bowels from large intestines. It helps in reducing fats accumulated in our body. Spine gets strengthened
Target muscles:
Waist: side waist muscles, side of chest
Prasarita padottanotasana-1
After triyak tadasana prasarita padottana asana is best. .this asana stretches sides of navel and waist .it gives stress in lower back and stomach and removes waste matter.
Technique –join both legs, stand erect and keep your calm while breathing deeply 2 to 3 times now between both legs, there should be a distance of three to four feet .interlock fingers of both hands and inhaling .raise hands upwards and bend backwards from the spine .stay in that position for 5 to 10 seconds do not hold your breath. Let it remain normal so that there should be tension on head and face .now again exhale and bend forwards. Same way do this asana 2 to 3 times.
Precautions -
Both hands and complete spine should be stretched backwards to that limit which may create back pain .
If you feel problems in keeping head backwards then keep your head straight and keep hands stretched .you will not feel heaviness in head.
No tension should be visible on face and head .both should be calm.
Those suffering from acute spondylitis should not do this exercise
The whole spine becomes flexible. Nerves get strengthened
In this asana both legs get stretched
Prasarita padottanotasana – 2
This is second type of prasarita padottana. Spread both legs apart. Interlock finger and bend backwards and while exhaling bend forwards .while bending forward from top itself, spine should be erect and head should be upwards as if you are watching the sky.
While inhaling when we take our hands at the back we should feel pressure on upper stomach i.e. Diaphragm. We should stretch our both hands to such extent that we must feel pressure on both part of chest. Equal pressure should be felt on spinal column. Slip disc patients should not bend forwards.
• After strengthening diaphragm accumulated carbon of body is thrown out.
• Blood circulation becomes normal.
• Stretching in diaphragm makes breathing easier .breathing becomes normal
• Digestion problem is overcome
• Hamstrings get pressure.
Parivritta trikon asana
Parvittra means revolved, turned round or back. Trikon is a triangle. This is revolving triangle posture. Stand in tada asana .take a deep inhalation and spread legs apart sideways. Raise arms sideways in line with the shoulder , palm facing down .then right foot sideways 90 degree to right and left 60 degree to right, keeping left leg stretched out and tightened at the knee . Exhale, rotate the trunk along with left leg in opposite direction so as do bring left palm on the floor near the outer side of the right foot .stretch the right arm , bringing it in line with left arm .gaze at right thumb. Keep knee tight. Do not lift toes of right foot from floor .stretch both the shoulder and shoulder blades. Stay in pose for half a minute with normal breathing . Inhale and comeback. Do with other leg
Benefit—kidneys and urinary bladders get good effect and with that spine and back muscles also get activated. To tone the thigh, calf and hamstring muscles .reproductive organs become stronger.
Hamstring strain (pulled hamstring) — Hamstrings are the longest muscles in the body. They extend down the back of the thigh. Because hamstrings work to pull back the leg and bend the knee, they can be injured during running, kicking or jumping. They can also be injured by over stretching. As in gastrocnemius strain, you may feel a pop, usually at the back of the thigh, when the muscle tears.
A small routine that counts in the long run
A hamstring refers to one of the tendons that make up the borders of space behind the knee. It usually includes tendons of semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris. The main job of the hamstring is to extend the hip joint and flex the knee. Runners are more likely to have hamstring problems because of overuse.
Sometimes the pain is not experienced because it suddenly comes and goes i.e. it vanishes after the muscles warm up. Stretching in a wrong way may worsen the pain. The hamstrings are activated with increasing workout in activities involving sudden movements and jerks. Lack of movement may cause tightening of the hamstrings.
Hamstring flexibility is crucial for runners. Professional runners, workout under the supervision of certified trainers and hamstring flexibility yoga stretches form a major part of the flexibility stretches.
Amateur runners may make the mistake of not realizing the importance of these yoga stretches and will soon feel the adverse effects. Including yoga in your daily pre-running practice is absolutely essential to avoid injuries to the hamstrings.
A few yoga stretches for hamstring flexibility development are listed below:
• Forward bend - Stand straight with both legs together. Now slowly raise your hands and bend forward and try to touch your feet, maintain this posture for a few seconds and return to the start position. Repeat 3-4 times.
• Backward Bend - Stand straight with both legs together. Now slowly raise both your hands and bend backward as much as you can. Maintain this posture for a few seconds. Return to the start position. Repeat 3-4 times.
• Supine leg stretches (Supta Padangushthasana). - Lie down straight,. Now slowly raise the right leg with the knee straight. Try and grasp the thigh and stretch as much as you can. Repeat for the left leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.
• Locust posture (Salabhasana) - Lie on your stomach, make fists of your hands and place them below you thighs, keep your head straight with chin on the floor and raise your legs as high as possible keeping them straight at the knees slowly. Repeat 3-4 times.
• Parvottasana - Lie flat on your stomach, both hands near your chest. Now raise your body slowly to form an inverted V (or mountain) with your hips at the highest position supported by your hands and feet. Maintain this posture for a few seconds. Return to the start position. Repeat 3-4 times.
• Seated Wide Legged Straddle (Upavistha Konasana)- Sit straight and open the legs out as wide as possible. Make sure that the toes are pointing towards the ceiling. Try and press the legs down to the floor as much as possible. Maintain the posture for a few seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.
There are a lot of other options too. Now all runners run along and plan a routine for a small hamstring yoga flexibility workout. Remember, in the long and hard run, flexible hamstrings are the greatest assets of a runner!
Janu Sira Asana
Baddha Kon Asana
Upvist Kon Asana
Hanumana Asana
Veer Bhadra Asana
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